The Enquirer is the place we usually herd to if we want reliable info; this time, they provided us with a piece deemed by many to be exquisitely juicy, although you have to be really conservative to judge Britney this time. It’s not like she’s back to rehab. Or maybe she should go back? This time, though, for a different reason. Is Britney struggling with another addiction – now Internet porn being the culprit!? Whoever told the story to The Enquirer began with a quote from Britney that she delivered at one of her concerts:
“I want a really hot nerd with a big dick”.
That’s good to know, Britney… Well, I guess we’re already used to excessive sharing on Brit’s part. What’s there to judge her for, is it so immoral to want a nerdy guy who shares her interests and also happens to be well-endowed down there? She’s probably not the only girl to have that dream… Do you not wonder why the hell this thing is the hottest news right now, too? After she had so many crazy weight fluctuations and also, well, fluctuations of the conditions of her hair with all the shaving and dyeing… After the marriages and the divorces, and all the mad things that happened in her life that the media could mindlessly ramble about, can’t we all just give Britney a break? She’s 34, for Christ’s sake, she can watch all the porn she wants, fantasize about whomever she desires, and she can certainly share the details of that with her fan base – it’s not like she’s flaunting her preferences on Times Square to thousands of people who didn’t choose to listen. Why the porn part up there? At The Enquirer, they seem to believe that the only reason a woman may have wild (or not that wild at all, in this case) fantasies is Internet porn. Seems legit, dunnit. What’s The Enquirer’s argumentation?