
18 Stupid Things Couples Fight About

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Anyone that has been in a relationship knows that love is patient, love is kind and love makes people stupid. After the honeymoon period of the relationship is over, people’s true colors come out. You fight about everything, from not putting the toilet paper back on the roll to who chooses what music on the radio.

At that point, true love is summed up by the ability to look your partner in the eyes and tell them they are totally wrong. Then when they pout about being incorrect, you let them know they are acting like a baby BUT you still love them forever and ever and ever. Here are 18 stupid arguments most couples have fought about at one point or another.

Toilet paper roll removal and replacement


You go to the bathroom. You sit on the toilet after going to the bathroom and notice that your significant other has used all of the toilet paper on the roll. You holler a request for a replacement, but that person is nowhere to be found. You have to get up from the toilet and waddle to place where the toilet paper is stored to get a new roll and clean your bum.

Music in the car

When you first start dating, you each get a 50/50 split on who picks the music in the car. Then the honeymoon is suddenly over.  You realize you are dating the 30 second switcher and their choice in hard rock music makes you want to poke their eyes out.

Your hot and your cold


You like sleeping in an average temperature room. Your partner likes sleeping in a sauna. You like sleeping with one blanket. They like sleeping 5 sheets, including a flannel sheet and wool comforter.

The guys clothing

Most guys stereotypically have problems with their clothes. Some guys just flat out dress badly and some guys have good clothes but don’t know how to put outfits together. Girls like guys dressed in all different styles, but if they guy doesn’t meet the girl’s standards when it comes to clothing it can spell disaster for the relationship.

I hate the clothes you pick out for me

The woman decides her boyfriend doesn’t dress well. The rugged, tough outdoorsman decides to let her select what he will wear on a daily basis. She puts him in suits, ties and collared shirts.

Household decorating

The head of the deer from hunting season five years ago still remains in your den. The woman politely asks several times, “when are you getting rid of that thing?” After several months of this she finally tells her partner, “Its either me or the deer.”

Sleeping positions

You tend to stay in a stationary side sleeping position throughout the night. Whereas your partner dreams deeply in their sleep. They toss and turn from side to side. Then when they stop rolling they end up smooshed against you and talking in their sleep.

Cuddling gone wrong

You like to cuddle. Your partner likes to cuddle but isn’t currently in the mood to cuddle.

The backseat driver

You are driving along and you hear the following from the passenger seat, “Didn’t you see that stop sign? This feels faster than 25 miles per hour.”


You decide to take a trip out of state. You research where you are going online. You have a good idea of how to get there. Your partner says, “Why didn’t you use the GPS?” You proceed to accidentally pass the exit you need to get off at. You told your partner the exit number. They reply, “Well if you would have just used the GPS like I told you to this wouldn’t have happened.”


How to squeeze the toothpaste

You prefer to squeeze the toothpaste in the middle. Your partner prefers to squeeze the toothpaste from the other end and roll up the tube so they can use the last drop.

Whose turn it is to change the dirty diaper

Dirty diapers are simply no fun. When you have kids you will find yourself doing rock-paper-scissors to determine who will be the one to change your child’s diaper. Then the loser will complain they did all of the diaper changes that day which in turn will facilitate an argument.

The toilet seat lid

Your partner often forgets to put the toilet seat down after they go to the bathroom. You proceed to go to the bathroom at the wee hours of the morning. You fall in the toilet because they didn’t put the lid down.

What movie to watch

You like action movies. Your partner loves romantic comedies. You can’t decide which genre to place in your Neflix cue for the next month.

Where to get food

You are a foodie. You love trying every different restaurant known to mankind. Your partner likes food but doesn’t view it as an art form. They prefer the same meat and potatoes restaurant day after day.


You compliment your partner for looking pretty in that new dress. “Pretty?” she says, “I look like a cow.” You inquire further but realize this is an argument that you won’t win.

What celebrity you would cheat with?

You admit what celebrity you would cheat on your spouse with. They are offended that you would cheat first of all and secondly the celebrity that you would cheat with. They retort with an even more vile celebrity they would cheat on you with. You get mad about their selection.

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